Thursday, June 22, 2006



I'm glad you've stopped by. Let me introduce myself.
I'm a freelance writer who has published 1,000 stories in approximately 75 publications. Most of my articles are interviews with people because I love to talk to people and record their thoughts. As a Psychology major in college, I always wanted to know 'why' someone did something unusual. Back then, it was part of a course I had to pay for. Now I ask and get paid for it!

During my 15 years of writing, I've interviewed hundreds of people, including celebrities like Steven Curtis Chapman, Janette Oke, Gilbert Morris, Bill Myers, Jack Cavanaugh, Davis Bunn, and Marvin Hamlisch. My articles have appeared in Ft Wayne Magazine, Today's Christian Woman, Ft Wayne News-Sentinel, Decision, Business People, Seek, Purpose, Ft Wayne Living, Cowboys and Country, Grit, Country America, and dozens of other publications.

I've also been a contributor to a dozen books, including Chicken Soup for the Christian Soul 2 and God's Way at Christmas. My website ( has more information about me.

I plan to use this Blog to talk about writing and what I'm learning and hopefully share some useful information with readers about that subject. I welcome interaction, so if you have some comments about one of my posts, please let me know.

I also plan to keep the blogs short. I will try to post regularly (several times a week), so stop by often.

If you have any questions about writing, please let me know. I'll try to answer them.
Take care.
I look forward to hearing from you!


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