Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Seeking God's Face-- Part 3


I've been hearing that my photos are cheering people. Here's another. I hope you enjoy it!

We've been thinking about what it means to 'seek God's face.' If you've just joined this blog, you'll want to jump back a couple to read the introductory thoughts about this topic. Here's the third section:

3. We seek God’s face as an act of obedience.

“When Thou didst say, “Seek My face,” my heart said to Thee, “Thy face, O Lord, I shall seek.” Psalm 27:8.

Growing up, my mother told me to brush my teeth twice a day. If I wavered, she would say, “It’s for your own good!”

It didn’t benefit her if I brushed my teeth (except for possibly lower dental bills!). My mother wanted me to brush my teeth so I wouldn’t experience pain from tooth decay.

God wants us to seek His face so we will be pure and not experience decay – sin -- in our lives. Seeking God’s face is His idea, so we, His followers, must obey. In doing so, we will reap benefits.

Are you seeking God's face today? You will never regret doing so.

If you’ve got any thoughts on this subject, let me know. This is an important subject to me as I value my relationship with God highly and want to do everything I can to please Him. Therefore, I will continue to ‘seek His face.’

In the next section we will talk about ‘seeking God’s face for a heightened sense of sin and grace.’ Please join me to learn how seeking God’s face can bring spiritual cleansing and forgiveness into our lives.

Until next time,



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