Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Spoons vs Forks

Acts 20:17-35
It is more blessed to give than to receive. (v. 35)

My seven-year-old daughter, Lindsay, was helping me set the table. “I’m glad I’m not a fork,” she suddenly announced.

‘What’s wrong with forks?” I asked.

“Forks like to stab things, trying to get everything for themselves. It’s like they say, ‘Gimme, gimme’ all the time.”

I held up a knife. “What about these?”

Lindsay shook her head. “Too bossy. Knives always want to change things to fit themselves.”

“But spoons are like your friends,” she said, cradling one in her palm. “They seem to say, ‘Here, let me help you.’”

What utensil would people use to describe you?

God, it is tempting to take when we should give. Help us to always see the blessing in giving.

The End

Kayleen Reusser
Freelance writer


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