Sunday, August 13, 2006

Appearance Isn’t Everything

Ps 48:1-8
v. 2: It is beautiful in its loftiness, the joy of the whole earth.” NIV

He was born in an agricultural community and learned the trade of tinkering from his father. John led a dissolute life until given a Bible. The tinsmith devoured the contents and began preaching, but he was arrested for preaching without a license and the tinker spent the next 12 years in jail.

John used the time to teach the Bible to fellow prisoners. Jailed a second time in 1675, John Bunyan completed a magnificent allegorical manuscript about Heaven. “The Pilgrim’s Progress” (1678) attained such enormous popularity that, together with the Bible, it was almost the sole reading matter for many centuries.

Jerusalem was not impressive in size. Mount Olives to the East was higher. Yet, God had declared this city holy. The Psalmist believed it represented the idea of God’s place above the world, where God met Man, and holiness & sinner were bridged.

Physical appearance impresses everyone, but God. He sees only what can be, with His help.

God, help us not to judge on appearance or manmade standards. You are the supreme Authority on what is good and acceptable and perfect. Help us to measure with Your ruler. Amen.

Kayleen Reusser
Freelance writer


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