Sunday, July 09, 2006

It Can Be A Challenge for Writers to Foster Friendships with other Writers

Someone who read my blog asked me to mention how helpful the checks were that I mentioned a few days ago, which I found when I cleaned my office. Good news! The checks were not too old to cash and while not wanting to give the exact amount they added up to, let’s just say they allowed me to fill up my gas tank several times over!

Filing has never been a strong point of mine, but I do it because I know it is worth it. For instance, last week while chatting with another writer, I realized I had information in my files that might help him with a story idea. I went home and immediately pulled the information out that he needed, which I then emailed to him. I don’t know yet if he’ll be able to use it, but I figure I did my part in networking and establishing camaraderie between us that I hope continues.

This brings up another point I’ve found is true -- It isn’t easy to keep up with friendships as a writer. Every time I start to write an email to a friend, I think, ‘You should get back to that story that’s due tomorrow.’ So, for the most part, I limit my emails and the number of people I include in my circle of friends.

But last week I did write to another writer whose articles in Christian Communicator have intrigued me. They are well-written and observant. She wrote back and said she had been hoping to establish a friendship with another writer in her area (we live 90 miles apart). She thought I might be a possibility. We have shared information on a couple of occasions. I’m hoping, if possible, maybe we can meet yet this summer.

Is there someone you can include in your circle of friends and/or contacts? I read recently that people feel more isolated from other people than ever before. Let’s do our part to make people we meet feel glad they did so.

Take care.


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