Monday, August 14, 2006

Stories of Hope

I Timothy 1:12-17.

“Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, among whom I am foremost of all.” (vs 15)

As a writer, I love to publish stories of how God has worked in people’s lives. Donna and Thad divorced and later remarried when they allowed God to become central in their marriage.

Joe didn’t believe God loved poor kids and became a tough individual until an evangelistic crusade preacher showed him God’s care in his life.

Each of these people cried, when telling me their stories, overcome by the wrongness of their past actions.

In this passage Paul called himself “the worst of sinners”-- not once, but two times (v.15,16)

Earlier he referred to himself as a “blasphemer”, “persecutor”, and “violent aggressor.” I wonder if after writing these words Paul also cried with remorse. If so, he didn’t allow his thoughts to dwell on the past.

He stated twice that he was shown mercy by God (v 13,16), adding that he knew his life story could be used by God to win people to Him.

Donna, Thad, Joe, and Paul let their lives be used as an example to win others to Christ.

Does someone need to hear your story today?

Lord, help me to share my story of how You saved me. I will always love and trust you. Amen.

Kayleen Reusser
Freelance writer


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