Monday, August 21, 2006

We Preach Christ Crucified

1 Corinthians 1:18-24

“We preach Christ crucified…” verse 23

As a writer, I admire the Apostle Paul. He knew how to sling words together to create an explosion.

When he referred to Jesus as the “crucified Christ”, he coupled words that would have really angered his listeners. Jews could see Roman crosses erected in Palestine and recalled the curse instituted by God upon anyone hanged on a tree (Deuteronomy 21:23).

The Greeks and Romans reasoned that God’s Chosen One would never be treated as a rebellious slave on anything so utterly offensive and undignified as a cross!

Paul knew that Christ had suffered a particularly cruel and shameful death. He knew it was considered foolishness to his readers to speak of a “crucified Christ”.

Yet, under the inspiration and courage of the Holy Spirit, Paul used the two words that best conveyed his meaning.

Throughout the centuries, the cross has become a sign of salvation and victory. In a strange twist of irony, the church now sees the former symbol of humility and shame as the path to life and salvation.

To those responding to God’s call of love and obedience, the cross makes available the power of God to overcome sin. It reveals the wisdom of God in offering men the only effective scheme for their salvation.

God, thank you for giving Your Son to die on the cross so that we might have life.

Kayleen Reusser


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